The out-of-office notification, reinvented

The way we communicate has changed, so why hasn't the out-of-office notification? Pointing people at a colleague down the hall doesn't do much for anyone - especially your colleague, who probably didn't want his email shared with all your contacts. is the new OOTO: instead of a block of text and email addresses, you now have a single link. If it's urgent, people click the link. If it isn't, whatever it is can wait until you're back. Simple, smart, efficient.

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Reclaim your vacation

Vacation used to mean unplugging from work, so why do most of us feel the obligation to keep an eye on email, Slack, Teams and whatever else clutters up our workplace? is the solution to the non-vacation vacation. A single link allows your contacts to self-triage whether to bug you or not, and our built-in filtering and prioritization helps you keep even the most alarmist of contacts at a healthy distance. Our goal is that you only see what's truly important (which hopefully means nothing but the sun and the beach).

How it works

Stay in touch with the office, without actually staying in touch with the office

For an ever-increasing number of us, the office doesn't close when we clock out for the day. Our phones still ping on evenings and weekends, and while notifications can be muted, sometimes it really is an emergency. helps you distinguish the signal from the noise. When your shift ends, people can still reach you when they really need to - which means everything else remains blissfully quiet.

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